About Me

I am a software developer based in Maine.

With a background in art and education, I am a maker and a problem solver at heart. Precise and process-oriented, I have a proven track record of developing full stack web applications that are both responsive and accessible. When I am not coding I can be found knitting, sewing, gaming and reading.

Full-Stack Projects

  • gif of a simple login screen, user joins and then draws 'Hi!' on a collaborative whiteboard

    Exquisite Corpse

    Collaborative drawing app based on a Surrealist art game. Users can generate a unique game room for other players to join, featuring a collaborative whiteboard for creating compositions. Game involves each user composing a part of the drawing in secret. Beta release coming soon.

    Tech & Tools: React, Canvas API, Tailwind, Vite, Node.js, Socket.io

  • gif of a login screen, user signs on, clicks check-in, and adds a new journal entry

    Mood Journal

    App with a daily check-in/quick quiz about how you’re feeling mentally and physically. Each check-in is scored and assigned a color which will display a graph for a visual representation of it. Built with a team of developers, I designed the UI in Figma and contributed to the frontend and backend code.

    Tech & Tools: JavaScript, EJS, Tailwind, Node.js, MongoDB, Passport.js

Web Design

  • image of the landing page of Forest & Field Flowers

    Forest & Field Flowers

    Modern web presence for Forest & Field Flowers, a local flower shop specializing in weddings. Fully responsive across multiple devices.

    Tech & Tools: HTML5 & CSS

  • image of the landing page of Florida Justice Center

    Florida Justice Center

    Wordpress site redesign for a non-profit legal aid service in Florida. Built according to client design and brand specifications.

    Tech & Tools: Wordpress & CSS